Jon Gitelson
Something about Jon Gitelson reminds me of my friend Elliott. He has such a light heart and it can be seen through his art. It's his art and many others that truely reflect the person's character and passion. He has a great eye for photography and knows how to please a viewer.

David Hockney

David Hockney blew me away the first artwork I viewed of his. Its a mosaic of photographs and forms a true art piece. I absolutely love the energy conveyed by these pieces and want one for myself. His work makes one focus on the whole while looking at all the individual piece.
Jeff Wolin
I can't choose a favorite of these three but I can not stop looking at Jeff Wolin's work. They are so playful but yet sincere. These above are part of his "Family Portraits" and the writting or detail he puts into the photos make it an art just not photography alone. I love the focus on children in his work and the simple childish drawings added to each.
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